tbjeeplead.jpgThe 2009 sand drag racing season continues on into the month of April where the biggest event of the first half of the season awaits us. Yes, it’s that time again for the NSDA Spring Nationals at the Primm Valley Casino & Resorts in Primm, NV. This event and its fall counter part usually boast the biggest racer turnouts that are seen throughout the sand drag racing season. With the awesome NSDA action that we’ve seen at the Yuma events to open the season, this Primm event has all the makings of one of the greatest in history.

Before we get too far ahead of ourselves, in March there was quite a wild NSDA event in Yuma, AZ. This race threw any sort of predictability out the window, as we saw several under dogs make their way to the “Winner’s Circle”. Props go out to the Spooky II Team of Shane Swtizer and the Plan B Motorsports Team of Nick Januik on their first Top Fuel and Top Alcohol class wins respectively. Also, the Spooky II Team snatched the Top Fuel World Record for speed with a 165.68mph blast. Check out NSDN’s Race Recap of this event for more coverage.

Shifting gears back to Primm, NSDN will be on-site all weekend April 24-26 with coverage from this event. Thanks to the great folks from Canidae Racing, National Sand Drag Association, and Heavy Metal/2’Dolla Bill Racing for making this race coverage happen. Any racers interested in writing a racer blog from this event, send us an-email to set that up ASAP.

NSDN is currently searching for funding to secure coverage of the upcoming May events in Avenal, CA and Atoka, OK. If you are interested in coming on board with the race coverage of either of these events, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for details.

Finally, if you notice there is a new Advertiser on the right side of the page. This is my web business, TB Web Development. Check out the site and if you have any web needs don’t hesitate to contact me.

Stay tuned for a great month of racing action on NSDN. Until next month…

Tom Bray (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

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