Check out this great commercial for the SCSDA Hammer Down Nationals. The voiceover is the Radio Ad that will be run on the local KCAL 96.7 radio station to promote the event. In other Hammer Down Nationals news, more GUARANTEED payout info has been released. The first place payouts are listed below.

SCSDA Hammer Down Nationals Guaranteed First Place Payouts
Top Alcohol - $2000
Top Eliminator - $2000
Fast Fours - $2000
Pro 1 - $2000
Pro 2 - $2000
Pro 3 - $2000
Motorcycle Pro 1 - $1500
Motorcycle Pro 2 - $1500
*All payouts listed above are Guaranteed for First Place. Runner-Up money will be standard SCSDA payout, based on number of class entries.*


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